Today I going to talk about my favorite web site, one work difficult, because i see many pages of the day, and I have many favorite web sites, like facebook, chilecomparte, patiodebutacas, and others. But, I choose as is a very very funny page, and I am addicted to him, and the other pages too, like facebook o youtube, but porulaputa maybe more.
Porlaputa is a web site to black joke, but, on the contrary to thinks some people, this is not a simple page, his humor is very intelligent, his laugh the politics, the famous, the religion, the news, the internet, etc.
This material is going to send for anonymous people, with not restriction, that converted this page in a reflection to the young people thing about the institutions, and power of state. But, maybe the intention of the page is other, only make to laugh, but I considerer this page more important to that.
In porlaputa upload videos, pictures, cartoons, and other things, the only condition is making to laugh. On occasions, porlaputa has a special, like the day of police, the holly week, etc., and using the “memes”, representations of humans situations, in paint, like “feel like a gentleman”, “I like”, “forever alone”, and others.
I recommend very much this page, but this is not a web site for people to don’t have sense of humor.
" the most serious oposition means in Chile and the world"